Our tasks
- Accounting
- Treasury management
- Budget planning
- Requesting & checking
of cost reimbursements
Head of division
Julius und Gerrit
Informationen zur Kostenerstattung
If you have laid out money for the student council, please submit the appropriate expense reimbursement request including the associated receipts. Please pay attention to the instructions on the application regarding copies that have to be handed in. You can find the forms at the AStA. AStA.
Where you can hand in the application: As soon as you have filled out everything and copied it if necessary, you can drop it off at our office (C 06.010) in the "Finances" box or in the entrance area in building 6 in the mailbox of the student council.
What you should also keep in mind:
Please always remember to adhere to the sustainable financial regulations of the AStA and to keep an eye on whether you still have budget available.